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Assisted Living Vs Nursing Home Which One Is Right For My Family?

Memory care facilities

Assisted living vs nursing home…which one’s better for your loved one?

This question can cause a lot of stress for many, as admitting your family member needs more help than you can give often feels like a personal failing. The United States is seeing a rapid portion of the population aging, which is nothing to say of the widespread misconceptions brought on by mainstream media when it comes to the function of a nursing home. Should you look into activities for Alzheimer residents? What about the difference between assisted living vs nursing home? Answering these questions with some simple facts and useful statistics will go a long way in alleviating the fear that comes with a decision such as this.

As stated before, the United States is facing a rapidly aging population. As many as 20% of the country will be over the age of 65 in the next few decades, making ‘assisted living vs nursing home’ a debate that will only continue to gain prevalence. The natural process of aging brings with it a whole host of problems, including loss of mobility and the onset of dementia. While everyone will have a different journey when it comes to choosing an assisted living home (or aging at home), it’s important to clear up your options as early as possible.

Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that affects millions of Americans as we know it. It’s the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and is the only disease in the top 10 causes of death that cannot be cured, prevented or slowed down. Living comfortably with Alzheimer’s disease, however, is more than possible with the aid of dementia long term care facilities. These are designed from the ground up to accommodate the most common symptoms of the disease, which include (but are not limited to) dizziness, memory loss, mood swings, mobility issues and motor control issues.

What other statistics should you know about assisted living homes? Around two-thirds of American Alzheimer’s patients are women, with one out of three seniors passing away with either Alzheimer’s or a similar form of dementia. Overall, around 75% of assisted living residents are women and more than three-fourths of assisted living residents will have regular assistance with at least three daily tasks. These include, but are not limited to, bathing, dressing, washing, eating and walking. Being honest about what your loved one is facing will help make the transition from one home to another much easier.

The function of an assisted living home is to provide emotional, physical and medical support to those unable to receive the same attention at home. Assisted living residences will either provide or coordinate 24-hour supervision with skilled medical staff. This is in conjunction with three snacks per day, personal care services, general medication management, social services and travel. A common misconception about group homes is the lack of fun and fulfilling activities. Many assisted living residents engage with their hobbies, ranging from reading to painting to swimming.

A recent report provided by the Genworth Financial found the most prevalent fear regarding long-term care was being a burden on the family. This fear was five times more common than even the fear of death. Another study offered by the ProMature Group analyzing the attitudes many seniors have about assisted living homes revealed a more positive perspective. Being part of a long term care community has provided many with the opportunity not to just live a more comfortable life, but to make friends and develop new hobbies they previously didn’t think possible.

When you ask about an assisted living vs nursing home, you ask about how to make sure your loved one is well taken care of. Have this conversation about a retirement home sooner rather than later so you can take this journey together, one step at a time.

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