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Finding an Independent Living Center for a Senior Citizen

Finding an Independent Living Center for a Senior Citizen

Aging is a natural part of life, and many statistics are kept to keep track of the elderly population in the United States. In some parts of the world, advanced medicine and senior care has resulted in growing populations of the elderly, with many people living longer than ever before. This is common in the United States, Europe, and Japan, with the latter leading the world in life expectancy. More and more Americans, meanwhile, are senior citizens than ever before, and they need a dignified and comfortable lifestyle. Independent living is a common route for today’s seniors, and senior living communities can be quite comfortable and convenient for them. Some of the elderly choose to remain in their original residences, while others opt to find senior housing. A senior living community in Dallas, Texas, may appeal to older Texans, for example.

Americans and Advanced Age

How many senior citizens are in the United States today? That number changes by the day, but trends show that this demographic is growing steadily. According to data from American Senior Communities, nearly 14.1 million Americans aged 85 and over will be living in the United States by the year 2040, those of the Baby Boomer generation. And according to data from the previous census, around 50,000 Americans are in fact over the age of 100. These elderly citizens are what are known as centenarians, and there are more of them than ever before in North America, Europe, and particularly Japan. These senior citizens need somewhere to live, and sometimes, their own residences might not be adequate. Rather, elderly citizens may choose to reside in independent living centers, and there may be many of them across the United States. One out of 10 elderly Americans aged 65 and up choose to stay at their own homes as long as they can, but others see the appeal of independent living communities and relocate to them. What might an elderly American expect with independent living?

Choosing Independent Living

Independent living should not be confused with assisted living, with the latter involving a lot of daily assistance with an elderly citizen’s needs for health and chores. Elderly Americans who have minimal need for assistance in everyday life may choose to relocate to an independent living community, and they may search for one together with their younger family members. Trusted friends and family can help them find a local independent living community that may suit their interests, and the senior may pay a visit to evaluate it in person. Their family members may come along to help. There, everyone can see for themselves what the housing is like, and how well everyone gets along in this community. They may also look over the communal dining and entertainment options there, and see if they are adequate. If the independent living community is to the elderly citizen’s liking, and the family can afford it, the elderly citizen may relocate there.

The residents at independent living communities have minimal healthcare needs, and this means that many residents at independent living communities may still have fairly active lives. In fact, estimates show that around 50% of adult aged 65 and over perform volunteer work of all kinds, and some elderly residents of these independent living communities may in fact still be employed. More and more elderly Americans continue to work, and they may use some of their earnings to fund their residence at these centers if they so choose. Those seniors may commute to and from their jobs either with their cars, or public transit. Public transit is popular among the elderly, such as buses, partly because senior citizens are statistically not very safe drivers. So, an employed American over 65 may choose to find an independent living community that has nearby bus routes, and they may do the same for going on errands or going to their house or worship.

These independent communities may vary in rent or property prices, and they may or may not provide services such as laundry, housekeeping, and provided meals. An elderly American is urged to check into these at a community that they are considering before committing to anything. Some services may be more desired than others.

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