Finding the Right End of Life Care Can be a Challenge for Most Families

Hospice is a heavy word.
So heavy that it takes all of the energy out of a conversation about the condition of a loved one. Heavy enough that it has the power to both keep you awake all night and knock you out for a 12 hour coma like sleep. So heavy that it draws in friends and family. Heavy enough that it makes you forget to eat.
The purpose of hospice, of course, is that it eventually turns the heavy burden of a terminal illness into a manageable task that the entire family can embrace. Holistic hospices offer even more to both the patient and the family. When you know that your loved one’s entire body, mind, and soul are being cared for by one of the holistic hospices in the area you, the caregiver, can catch your breath. Can get a night of rest. Can enjoy a conversation or a day of quiet with the person who means the most to you.
Holistic Care Hospices Help Patients and Families Through the Most Difficult of Life’s Transitions
The latest research indicates that an estimated 20% of the U.S. population will be over 65 by the year 2030. It should come as no surprise then that nearly 1.4 million Medicare beneficiaries were enrolled in hospice for 24 hours or more in the year 2015. As the nation’s population continues to age, in fact, there is a growing concern for the elderly care industry as the population of the nation continues to shift. In fact, you do not have to look toward the crowded coasts to realize the impact that the aging population has on individual families. For instance, today in Omaha, Nebraska, nearly 25% of households include someone 65 or older. This represents an increase from the 20% just a decade ago.
Although many families do not know about hospice until they need it, the history of hospice actually dates back to the 11th century, when a religious order of monks set up hospitals along a pilgrimage road that lead to Jerusalem. Providing compassionate care to those who are on their final journey in life is not only humbling, but it is also heroic. Helping both the family and the patient transition through the most difficult stages of life allows family members to have quality final days. Daughters can spend time with their mothers, sons can spend time with their fathers, and spouses can treasure their last moments with the loves of their lives.
If your family is looking for guidance through the difficult transitions that happen at the end of life, you might find holistic hospices to be a worthwhile, reassuring resource.