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Four Ways to Go Green With Style in a Luxury Home

Luxury home floor plans

Given the amount of scientific data supporting global climate change, not to mention how seriously insurance companies take that data, maany individuals with foresight have begun factoring the needs of the environment into their decision making in all areas of their lives, including home purchasing and building. When attempting to make luxury custom house designs environmentally friendly, it is important to include that concept in part of the design of the home, but by no means should that imply a negative impact on the quality of materials or amenities included. Here are four eco-friendly options to prove its possible to go green with style and functionality.

  • Geothermal Heating and Cooling: This method for heating and cooling a home removes the pollution from the equation by making use of subterranean temperatures. Despite the atypical source, luxury home designs that incorporate a geothermal system can still be incorporated into any centralized control mechanism, be it on a phone, tablet or a panel within the home.
  • Solar Power: Including solar panels as a native aspect in luxury custom house designs gives the opportunity to maximize the amount of the sun’s rays a home can use. When a home is planned with this feature in mind, decisions about geography can be made to suit. The home has a smaller environmental footprint as a result, but no loss of power to lights and gadgets.
  • Smart Technology: Smart thermostats are a feature that many new home buyers will demand anyway, and they have the benefit of being quite environmentally friendly due to their efficient use of energy. As more smart technology is developed, it will be even easier to reduce the harmful effects to the environment that are a result of people’s daily lives.
  • Eco-Friendly Flooring: Many traditional hardwood options were not sustainable and thus not an option in a green home. Howwever, a new trend in luxury flooring are vinyl tiles, which are environmentally friendly and beautiful as well. Custom home builders will do well to offer this choice to home buyers, and can easily sell it based on its beauty, durability and sustainability.

    Any buyer of a custom built luxury home will have high standards and many specifications in return for their significant financial investment. If the home they build is energy efficient as well as luxurious, it is an investment that will not cause harm now and in the future.

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