Helpful Safety Tips for Propane Cylinders

It doesn’t matter if you normally use a small propane tank for your barbecue grill or large propane cylinders to heat your home or pool, safety is always important, While propane tanks are relatively safe to work with, there are still precautions we should take, after all, this is a potentially explosive and flammable material we are handling. The good news is, by following a few basic principles and safety tips (see attached video), we can minimize the risk and mitigate the dangers of working with propane. Here are a few of the keynotes that you will want to know the next time you handle propane cylinders for your alternative fuel needs.
Some of the most important steps to avoid the risks associated with propane include the safe storage and inspection of your propane cylinders on a regular basis. Your propane tank should not only be secured during storage and use, propane should never be stored indoors. Additionally, it is important to check your propane cylinders for leaks, especially before usage. Along with some obvious safety no-nos like smoking or having an open flame around a propane tank, following the basic safety protocols when working with propane will allow you to safely enjoy the benefits of propane all year long.