How America Was Built on Farms and Ranches

When imagining the classic, cliche american lifestyle, there is almost always a farm or ranch involved. The ability to raise and maintain livestock was actually a general turning point for the human species in general.
Even with mass production fueling many industries, natural livestock and produce still play an integral part in society. Virtually every meal you eat is composed of some ingredient that originated on farm property.
Think about it. You probably put cream in your coffee every morning, or milk in your cereal, or eat eggs with your toast. And those are just the obvious ones. Most people would be shocked to learn how many products they use on a daily basis that are made using egg products, dairy, or even using the powerful fertilizer made from cow manure.
In some regions of the country, farms for sale pop up all the time because farming is engrained in the lifestyle. For example, the state of Montana is well known for their rich history of farms and ranches.
Farm properties are so prevalent throughout the state, that the population is relatively small and spread out as compared to other areas of the country. However, Montana?s population is projected to grow by about 14.1% between the years of 2013 to 2043.
That means that even more farms and ranches for sale will be popping up in the years to come. Which is great because the need for goods coming from farms and cattle ranches will not be slowing down anytime soon.
Part of what has made caring for farm real estate so profitable, is how it can be partially self-sustaining. The cattle feed themselves by grazing the grass in the fields. After consuming the nutrients, the manure they produce naturally fertilizes the fields aid in the growth of more grass.
Even light to moderate cattle grazing (about 35% to 45% use of primary forage species), is typically enough to encourage forb production.
Once they reach an old enough age, the cattle themselves can be used for food, but up until that point, many will continue to produce milk and manure for sale. Farms and ranches really only need to worry about maintaining the fields and the health of the animals they care for.