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How to DIY Pest Control Services for Your Home

How to DIY Pest Control Services for Your Home

The following video will walk you through the steps necessary to perform Do It Yourself (DIY) pest control services in your home. Pests and rodents can enter a property through several potential access points. Ensure that your vents and attic area are not acting as welcome openings for pests by performing a thorough inspection of both.

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When conducting your inspection, look for gaps and cracks in the groundwork and the walls. Be on the lookout for smears, droppings, discolorations, and other visible evidence that pests leave behind. Be sure you appropriately dispose of rubbish and consistently.
When storing food for people or pets, always use airtight receptacles, and avoid leaving food on the countertop for long. Placing snap and glue or sticky traps around your home to catch mice and other rodents can be an effective way to solve even a minor infestation problem. A cage trap might be sufficient for capturing larger animals such as squirrels.
DIY pesticides and insecticides are available and are relatively simple to employ. However, make sure that nothing you use is hazardous to your household or health in any way. When working with these chemicals, you should always exercise extreme caution, follow the instructions to the letter, and always wear the proper personal protection equipment.

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