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How to Freshen Up Dreary Living Room Decor

Rustic barn table

Interior design trends are ever changing. It can be hard to keep up with what’s hot at the moment. It can be hard to tell which route to go when it comes to the theme of your interior decor. Conflicting opinions within the home furniture industry can be confusing. Within this design world, it can be best to keep it simple, sleek, and modern.

The living room or den is arguable the most important part of the house. It’s important to keep this area updated and looking nice. This is where guests will be when they visit, and where your family will be spending quality time. Making people feel comfortable in a space that is supposed to be open and inviting is a big part of interior design. Out of five home owners, only one will be satisfied with their home decor. Why stay unsatisfied when there are so many possibilities in updating your decor?

Living room furniture and decor can both be easy and difficult to figure out. You must consider dimensions, accessibility, and even the feng shui of the room. On top of that, there’s the color schemes and themes. In the United States, 14% of home owners say their home decor can feel depressing and gloomy. This is why choosing the proper furniture is important, you don’t want to be stressed about your living room! Mid century modern furniture can be the solution to this issue. This style of decor is clean, sleek, and no fuss. Modern sofas can be an easy first staple for an updated living room, allowing for a good base to add pieces around. Mid century modern sofas are often white, brightly colored, or even come with patterns. This can brighten up any room to make it more inviting. With the addition of high quality modern decor, a living room easily becomes more fresh and open.

A trend seen is an abundance of mid century sofa pillows. These pillows are standard square or circle shaped, and can come in fun bright colors or patterns. Mid century sofa pillows are a subtle way to add depth and personality into a sleek modern living room. This is a trend most seem among young crowds, such as college students or recent college graduates. Mid century sofa pillows are often very comfortable and eye catching, and can even be a conversation piece depending on the design. Mid century sofa pillows coupled with a minimalistic modern sofa can give a living room a fresh and artsy feel.

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