If You Need Help, the First Place To Look Should Be Online

Most people do not seek family issues help. Most people do not think that their family needs any help or has any issues. A family can be functional. No one is arguing that. But I do challenge you to find a family without its fair share of issues.
Because family issues and dysfunction are so common, however, everyone thinks it to be the norm, and therefore does not make the effort to fix the situation. They believe that that is just the way that it is, and there is nothing to fix. Everyone is different, has a unique personality, communicates differently, and as such, people butt heads occasionally. Even for people who have grown up in the same family for the last 35 years, you can see terrible communication and clashing personalities abound.
And this is why it is even more important to make sure that a family can work and communicate as a unified group. A family should be able to get together, should be able to work as one, and not have to worry about familial drama every holiday. One of the best ways to identify if your family may need help, and attain assistance if needed, is to look for online help with family issues first. Online family issue help is the first step to solving the problem, as it is the research phase of the process.
By looking for online family issue help, you get to see common problems and personality traits that may be causing such difficulties. You can learn to identify trouble areas, and those instigators that could be causing the whole difficult situation to begin with. If you can isolate the problem to a few individuals, you may be able to work out the issues without even involving the rest of the family.
But, should you need to get the whole family involved in the family issue resolution, the problem is bigger than just you can handle. It may be difficult to convince family to see a relationship therapist, but it might be what is needed. If you can prove to your family that screaming at each other all of the time does not have to happen, you can get them to see that something needs to be done. Even just getting them to identify the faulty relationships may be a good start to healing the issues.