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LGBT Counseling Addresses Many Issues

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Even though there seems to be more acceptance of people with different sexual orientations, people who identify themselves within the area of LGBT, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, seek LGBT counseling.
Some people seek LGBT counseling for regular issues such as anxiety, depression, or relationship problems. On the other hand, others seek LGBT counseling for issues that may arise due to their gender orientation or identity.
About 3 to 5 percent of the population in the United States identify themselves as homosexual. In addition, there are about 700,000 people who are transgendered. As a population, many face issues that may be helped through LGBT counseling.
Many people in these groups may feel the effects of stressors that are not experience by the straight community. Although there is wider acceptance, prejudices still remain. The non acceptance or discrimination of this population is more prevalent in rural areas. Other issues facing this group include coming out to their families, being gay in the workplace and other such situations. Some in the LGBT community may be experiencing discomfort with his or her sexual identity, and being accepted by society in general. Other areas where a person may seek LGBT counseling is working out self image issues and feelings of self worth.
LGBT counseling also is available for the same issues that face the straight community. This can include relationship or marriage counseling. This population group falls into the divorce and marriage statistics that prevail throughout the country. For instance, Oklahoma has the highest overall divorce rate at 13.45%, with 32% of adults in this statue who have been married have been divorces. Other divorce statistics that may be faced through LGBT counseling include that 28% of children living with a divorced parent live below the poverty line. According to U.S. statistics , if one partner smokes, a marriage is 75% more likely to end in divorce.
LGBT counseling can be very important to the health and well being of this group. Because they may be facing problems that are somewhat different, finding LGBT therapists who understand these situations is important. You can find gay friendly therapist and LGBT friendly therapist through referrals or through online sources. There are also many community outreach programs that can help with LGBT counseling services.
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