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The Beginners Guide to Buying Windows

The Beginners Guide to Buying Windows

When it comes to buying windows for a home, there are several options and the type of frame is one of the most important decisions. Matt Rising of Risinger Homes has plenty of useful tips on window frames. Take a look at this guide to brush up on window frames before considering home window replacements.

The four primary window frame types are vinyl, fiberglass, aluminum, and wood. Vinyl frames are the best-selling type in America, but Mass Risinger of Risinger homes considers fiberglass windows to be the best value in the current market.

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Each frame type has its advantages and potential drawbacks.

Vinyl frames may be the most popular, but it’s not as paintable and also comparatively weaker in strength. A full fiberglass frame is stronger and has thinner, crisper details. Aluminum frames come in both low-cost versions and higher-cost versions. Aluminum frames without a thermal break don’t do well for thermal control, so it’s best to avoid aluminum frames with that feature. Wood windows are some of the most expensive frames, although they have exceptional thermal control. Modern wood windows are constructed slightly differently than their traditional counterparts. The modern versions have an outside layer that’s been bonded to an aluminum skin, which improves longevity.


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