The Organization Industry Offers a Number of Products That Help People Update Their Space

Many people decide that the new year is the perfect time to make sure that they have everything organized and everything in its place. From storage and organization furniture for the home to scrapbook room storage, a growing number of Americans use the beginning of the year to make sure that they have plans in place to start the new year off right.
Fortunately, the latest trends in storage and organization furniture come in a number of colors and styles. Whether you want to buy white bookcases to match the trim in your laundry room or you want to find a three drawer organizer for your home office, it is easy to find the style that you want.
Do You Have Areas in Your Home That Need Reorganized?
Bedrooms, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and craft rooms are just some of the places that people attack when it comes to getting ready for the new year. Consider some of these facts and figures about the home organization systems that are available for crafting and other uses, as well as the impact that this industry has on the nation’s economy:
- 88% of the 5,500 people that Etsy has as sellers are women. Women who are looking for ways to make sure that their supplies are organized and ready to go when they need to fill their online orders.
- The average American home has more than 300,000 items.
- For crafters who approach their tasks as more than hobbies, organization is key. In fact, when Etsy surveyed 5,500 of its U.S. sellers, the results showed that 97% worked from home and 74% considered their shops to be businesses, not just hobbies.
- When compared to the general public, crafters are younger overall. In fact, nearly 35% of crafters are between the ages of 18 and 34; 37% are between the ages of 35 and 54; and 28% are over the age of 55.
- People’s obsession with collecting more than what they need starts at an early age. For instance, British research discovered that the average 10-year-old child owns 238 toys, but only played with an average of 12 a day. No wonder we need so many organizational products.
If you are the kind of person who uses the new year to make sure that you are organized and ready for whatever comes your way, you might be in the market for a new set of storage and organization furniture pieces.