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What Pool Tile Is Best For Your?

What Pool Tile Is Best For Your?

In this YouTube video, California Pools and Landscape looks at things to consider when choosing pool tiles for a swimming pool. The details for the pool can give a pool a completely new look or feel.

There are many options, different materials for different types of purposes, with various textures. Pool tiles can line a pool completely or only appear at the waterline, in backsplashes, or on steps.

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The pool tiles protect the pool materials from sun damage and allow for easy cleaning. Tiles chosen should be rated for underwater activity and outdoor use. The best tiles should be glass or porcelain and not stone or clay-based.

Blues and turquoise colors should be used to enhance pool water, and colors found in natural stones should be used for a more subtle look and feel. A pool designer can help you choose which one is best for your needs.

To stay on budget, it’s helpful to know the maximum allowable amount to be spent. It’s best to avoid tiles that may need custom installation work. Instead, a person can choose tiles from composite glass or porcelain materials that may be cheaper and use a similar design to what was initially desired.

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