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What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Nanny

Home care

Did you know that, from 2008 to 2013, searches for nannies on increased by as much as 85% per year? A growing number of American families depend on nannies for part- and full-time care. Choosing the right nanny can change the course of a young child’s life. What should you consider before hiring a nanny?

Pay Expectations

According to Domestic Workers United, a quarter of all domestic workers, including nannies, caregivers, and house cleaners, make less than minimum wage. More alarming still, the International Nannies Association (INA) reveals that 70% of nannies work forty (or more) hours per week. Nannies typically devote a lot of time and energy to help raise your family. Avoid one of the biggest nanny hiring mistakes by ensuring that any full-time or live in caregivers get a fair wage. Full-time nannies should earn a weekly salary of at least $350-$1,000, according to a 2011 INA Salary and Benefits Survey.

What Does a Nanny Do?

Nannies take on a number of different responsibilities. When determining how to hire a nanny, make sure you have a clear list of expectations. Typical duties include looking after a child’s physical needs, organizing outings and play, planning for and preparing meals, disciplining children as appropriate, teaching children, picking up after children, providing transport, and more. Some families ask nannies to clean and cook beyond child’s needs. Some may even ask nannies to travel with the family during vacations. Make sure work expectations are perfectly clear, and that you establish guidelines for reasonable compensation.

Consider Training and Certifications

Surveillance firm Brickhouse Security reveals that searches for nanny cams have doubled in the last two and a half years. Get some peace of mind, without the camera, by choosing from some of the best nanny agencies. Agencies, such as the INA, offer a variety of courses and certifications, including CPR and first aid, safety, water safety, nutrition, child development, play activities, and family dynamics. These courses, however, are not mandated. Eliminate guesswork, and ask nannies about certifications, training, and completed courses during the interview process.

Find yourself asking how to hire a nanny? When you hire a nanny, a good deal of your child’s needs fall onto someone else’s shoulders. Offer fair wages, be upfront about job expectations, and consider nannies with CPR and safety training.

One thought on “What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Nanny

  1. Yikes. It’s kind of sad to think of some of these girls and women not even making minimum wage! Especially given that some families ask *a lot* of nannies.

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