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What You Should Know About a Tankless Water Heater Install

What You Should Know About a Tankless Water Heater Install

A tankless water heater install requires careful attention. Ask this Old House shares a tankless water heater install video.

Remove the existing old heater

If the unit is electric, one can do it cautiously or hire an electrician.

Setting up the tankless water heater

The branded unit can be set on the wall supported by studs or installed flush against a plaster or drywall. Direct water pipes to the water heater.

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One should ensure that the utility pipe leads to the inlet while the pipe heading to the house is linked to the outlet. Fix shutoff valves on both lines.

Insert union fittings to make the final fixings to the lines. Open the water valves and faucets in the house to let the water run through the water heater for like a minute. Remove and replace the inline filter. Open the water valves and turn on the electricity and gas. Test the water unit to be sure it functions properly.

A person who chooses to do it by themselves should follow the instructions carefully or watch the tankless water heater installed on video.

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