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4 Qualities to Find While Choosing a Storage Unit Provider

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Many people throughout the United States utilize storage units. These units allow people to keep their items safely stored at all times. In fact, statistics show that there are nearly 53,000 storage facilities located throughout the United States. Recent data shows that more Americans are utilizing the benefits of having storage units of their own. Statistics gathered from 1995 to 2012 found that there has been a 65% increase in the amount of United States citizen renting storage space. If you’re looking for a place to store your items, it’s wise to utilize what is known as a self storage unit. Considering that, here are four qualities to look out for when choosing a self storage warehouse.

  1. Types of Materials Used for Storage Units

    Not just any material will work well enough to adequately keep your items safe. If possible, it’s best to find a company that offers self storage units made with strong materials including concrete. The utilization of concrete to create storage units creates structures that are both highly durable and offer interior protection from outside contaminants. If a self storage unit provider shows you units that look weak or dirty, it’s time to go elsewhere.
  2. Offering Access to Your Items Around the Clock

    One of the most important aspects to look for while checking out self storage warehouses is to ensure that they offer around the clock access. Unfortunately, certain self storage warehouses only allow you to visit units when they are open. However, having to rely on the schedule of what are considered to be normal business hours isn’t convenient for everyone. With that in mind, it’s best to work with providers of self storage units that allow you to access your items at any time during the week.
  3. Security Measures to Protect Your Items

    No storage facility would be complete with some sort of security measures in place. You’ll find that many storage facilities either employ a security guard, closed gate system, or both. It’s important to know that a self storage company cares about safety through the implementation of various security measures. Many self storage facilities have guests that access these facilities around the clock. Therefore, it’s common for self storage providers to employ an electronic security system that only allows qualified people to gain entrance access.
  4. Interior Condition of Storage Units

    It’s wise to tour any storage facility that you might consider paying money to. During these tours, you’ll want to ensure that the interiors of all storage units you see will safely store your items. If you see that units appear wet or moldy, it’s time to visit another storage provider. On the other hand, it’s a good sign to see that the interior of any potential storage units you are shown look dry. Many types of goods can become destroyed over time by being stored in damp storage units.

In closing, there are a few extremely important qualities you’ll want to look for while choosing a provider of self storage units. It’s important to see what the exterior of any potential storage unit looks like. Many people prefer to have their goods stored in a facility that utilizes the durability of concrete. It’s best to store your items with a storage provider that allows you access your self storage unit at all times. Another important concern when choosing a storage provider is if they employ any security measures. You’ll want to work with a self storage unit provider that takes security seriously. Lastly, don’t forget to look closely at the interior of any self storage unit you are shown. You’ll want these interiors to appear dry and clean.

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