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Behind The Constantly Growing Appeal Of New Construction

Behind The Constantly Growing Appeal Of New Construction

Here in the United States, home owners come in all shapes and sizes. In many cases they are young, with the average home buyer now just over the still youthful age of 30. In addition to this, many of them have never before bought a home, as nearly one third of all home buyers in this country are new to the process entirely. In addition to this, just over one fifth of all home buyers have served this country at some point in time, whether they were active members of the service or veterans.

But one thing remains consistent among these home buyers: most will be interested in new construction homes. After all, new construction homes are more popular than ever before – and more widely accessible to boot. In fact, the year of 2017 alone saw more than 600,000 new construction homes sold all throughout the country. In the time that has passed us by since, this number has only continued to grow – and likely will keep an upwards trend in the years that are ahead of us as well. But why, exactly, have new construction homes become so popular for so many different types of people who are in the market for a home?

For one thing, new construction homes made by luxury home builders are often located in suburban areas. And the suburbs are becoming more and more popular, with up to 80% of all of the residential growth anticipated to take course over the next ten years or so set to take place in the suburbs. After all, more and more families are looking for more space and the better school districts that suburban parts of the country often have to offer. In many parts of the country, the suburbs have much safer communities as well, at least in direct comparison to many parts of cities and urban environments.

In addition to this, new construction homes are often far more environmentally friendly than older homes. Not only do they boast new appliances throughout, but they are often made from environmentally friendly materials as well, which can be important for matters of environmental conservation. With nearly half of all prospective home owners (around 40% of them, to be just a bit more exact) prioritizing the eco-friendliness of the home that they ultimately buy, this is something that is most certainly a draw for new construction homes and the like.

New construction home often simply will just not have the problems that older homes can have accrued. In fact, this is a predominant reason that many people are more interested in new construction homes and even in residences like new construction townhomes than they are in some of the more traditional older homes that can be found throughout the country. The data that has been gathered on the subject, of course, backs up this claim quite fully, as this data shows that more than one third of those who bought new construction homes in recent years did so because they were directly looking to avoid any preexisting problems in the home, problems ranging from electrical problems to problems with the heating and cooling systems or even just problems with the plumbing system.

Of course, the promise of luxury homes is also alluring. We all want to live in as much comfort as possible, and luxury homes provide just that. Even the luxury townhome can provide a cost effective alternative for the person, couple, or even family who perhaps don’t need as much space. And many people are even willing to pay some additional money to take advantage of such a space.

At the end of the day, new construction homes are quite hugely appealing for so many different families from so many different backgrounds. But new construction homes are not all created equal and so it is quite hugely important to inspect and look over thoroughly each new construction home that you consider. From single family homes to the new construction townhome, there are many options out there. Finding the right one can take some time, but putting in this time will be quite hugely critical indeed, there is no doubt about it.

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