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Advice For Tough Times

Category: Used clothing donations

7 Reasons to Donate Used Clothing to Charity

Americans are generous people. When we can we like to give back to our communities and help other people. At least 70% of people around the United States make some kind of donation to charity every year. We give cash when we can, time when we have it ….

Red Cross Donations Help More Than the Needy

Sometimes you may feel the need to clean out your closet. Perhaps there is an abundance of things that you no longer wear. Some people pile it into a box and hide it in the corner of their closet, and some may even just throw it all away. ….

The Top Three Reasons To Donate Your Gently Used Clothes

A small action can incite a massive change. A recycled newspaper here or a donated chair there can mean a lot for a full-time city worker or your next door neighbor. If you’ve been wondering how you can positively impact your neighborhood, you may want to check out ….