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The Top Three Reasons To Donate Your Gently Used Clothes

Donate clothes to red cross

A small action can incite a massive change. A recycled newspaper here or a donated chair there can mean a lot for a full-time city worker or your next door neighbor. If you’ve been wondering how you can positively impact your neighborhood, you may want to check out used clothing donations. This has been found to be one of the most efficient and influential ways of benefiting the country from the ground up, with environmental assistance and community support just a few of the benefits that come with donating.

How Many People Donate To Charity?

Let’s start off this Red Cross clothing pick up list with one of the most common questions. Studies have shown a stunning 70% of Americans donating to some form of charity on an annual basis, ranging from clothing donations to furniture donations. Overall, 3% of American income is given to charitable organizations. While this figure is impressive, many thrift stores and clothing donation centers are hoping to see increased turnouts in the years to come.

Why Are Clothes A Good Donation?

Requesting for Red Cross clothing pick up is one of the most far reaching ways you can donate to charity. The year 2015 saw charity proceeds from the sale of donated goods to thrift stores actually exceeding $2.5 million, giving both local and nationwide charities a significant financial boost. Americans consume nearly 20 billion garments every year — that’s as many as 68 garments and seven pairs of shoes per person. In other figures? That’s more than one piece of clothing purchased per week. Studies have shown this is one of the most common reason why people donate clothes.

What Other Benefits Do Clothing Donations Provide?

Interested in saving a little money on your taxes? Donate some used clothes and watch the gift that just keeps on giving! Your donation to a selected charity is tax deductible for the value of the items you donate — suits, in particular, are known to generate high prices for their demand. Additionally, donating clothes is considered ideal for supporting the environment at large. Considering the vast majority of discarded clothing articles can be recycled into new materials, you’re giving back to your community and the nationwide economy. Latex, cotton, wool and fleece are just some of the materials that can be reused in factories and thrift stores across the nation.

How Can I Call For Red Cross Clothing Pick Up?

Let’s do a rundown of donating clothing. You’re giving back to your community, offering families, students and individuals a means of obtaining stylish clothes at affordable prices. You’re helping the environment by keeping essential materials out of landfills and circulating job growth in multiple sectors. Last, but not least, you can save money on your taxes and clear out your home for new clothing items. All you have to do is call your local Red Cross and ask about their clothing pick up services — it’s as easy as giving them a call with easy-to-follow instructions to your home. They’ll take care of the rest! It takes a small seed to grow a mighty oak. Will you be part of the change and donate clothing?

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