Do You Need a Window Replacement?

Tom Silva provides a practical home window service, in which he shows Emily, a homeowner, how to install energy-efficient replacement windows. In the video titled ‘How to Replace Your Windows | Ask The Old House’, Tom takes Emily through the step-by-step process involved in replacing her old window.
The process of changing a window starts with taking precise measurements. These measurements are required to order the new window.
The replacement window has protective features such as weather stripping and double glass panes with argon gas in-between.
The old window is lifted out carefully after removing the stop, parting beads, and staples. The storm windows are also removed.
The new window is lifted into the window space. The new energy-efficient window should fit snugly into the space left by the old one. Tom says the space on each side of the window should be checked at this point to ensure that the window is properly balanced. The window is screwed into place with shims placed at appropriate spots.
Finally, Tom reinstalls the stop beads and caulking on the perimeter to ensure that the windows are weather-tight.