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How to Choose a Dyslexia Tutor

How to Choose a Dyslexia Tutor

Working with a competent tutor on suitable, evidence-based formalized literacy reading instruction during the summer is the most beneficial method for keeping and potentially improving fundamental literacy skills while establishing automaticity. There are many qualified reading tutors, reading specialists, and dyslexia tutors you can choose from. It depends on what you require. To begin, contact schools and centers in your area that work with students with dyslexia or reading disorders. These places frequently employ or collaborate with highly qualified dyslexia tutoring services. If there are none in your area, look online or ask teachers for recommendations.

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Reading tutors are frequently teachers, reading professionals, and other specialists with teaching experience.

Any teacher who tends to work one-on-one with struggling readers can be a good resource. It would help if you found someone who understands how to rectify deficits for pupils who are several grade levels behind. The reading tutor will evaluate the student, use a multiple-sensory structured curriculum, and track progress regularly. They should tell you precisely what the student requires assistance with and the techniques they will employ to assist the student. They should also depend on printed materials rather than technology, as research shows that print is more efficient for struggling readers.

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