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Listen Close, First-Time Homeowners Here Are The Top Four Tips For Buying The House Of Your Dreams

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Buying a house for the first time? You won’t want to skip this.

Buying a home 20 years ago is much different than buying a home today. Technology has changed everything from the buying process to the browsing process, making previously unheard of feats as easy as a right click. With that upside, however, comes a downside. How do you go about pinpointing the perfect home when there are just so many neighborhoods, townhouses and landscaping elements to choose from? While this process isn’t easy, it certainly isn’t as big of a feat as it used to be. The top four tips will make sure your new home speaks directly to your soul.

Quick Facts

Before you start the process of buying a house, learn more about where you stand in this time-honored tradition. Over 30% of people looking for a new home these days are first-time buyers. Over 55% of Millennials (as well as 45% of Baby Boomers) much prefer ‘walkable’ neighborhoods. This is a term gaining traction for any community that’s clean and safe. Last, but not least, around 20% of buyers are eagerly looking for a townhouse.

Use The Power At Your Fingertips

Don’t have a few extra days to devote to a driving session? No problem. You can browse a house right at your fingertips, getting all the information you need to make a good decision. Over 40% of home buyers these days will actively search online for home properties, taking virtual tours to get a better idea of what to expect when they arrive in-person. A proper home for sale should have plenty of high-quality photos and easily accessible information, such as amenities, space and landscaping.

Make Sure All Your Bases Are Covered

Do you have kids? Jot that down in your personal notebook before buying a house. Are you planning on owning a dog? Better check for a backyard first. Your dream home isn’t going to look like someone else’s dream home, which is probably the most useful tip you can have in your back pocket. These little details will help guide you toward a house that accommodates every aspect of your lifestyle, brushing aside the incompatible ones and getting you that much closer to that coveted, “Yes!“.

Take A Look At Popular Choices

“Now wait just one minute.”, you might be saying. “Isn’t it contradictory to be true to myself and look at what others are doing?”. Not at all! Buying a house for the first time can be a nerve-wracking process. You have a mortgage to plan, neighborhoods to peruse and a million questions to ask before you hit the green light. Looking at what other people prefer can narrow down your search and keep you from stressing out. Zillow found over 80% of new buyers prefer a single-family home, with another 45% choosing homes that have never been lived in before.

Ask A Real Estate Agent For Help

When in doubt, reach out. A real estate agent is someone who has seen this entire song and dance before. Any questions you have about pricing, location or accommodations can be answered swiftly, saving you much-needed time as you search for a place to call your own. A recent survey found 80% of recent buyers stating their real estate agent to be a very useful source of advice when buying a house. Now that you’ve brushed up on your modern knowledge, your new home could be just around the corner. Are you ready to make the plunge?

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