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Lower Your Familys AC Bill with These Easy Steps

Lower Your Familys AC Bill with These Easy Steps

Your family is important to you. You want them to be comfortable in the house. This is why central air units are important. Air conditioning systems keep you cool no matter how hot it may be outside.

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The only issue with this is that the bills can rack up during a hot summer. In this video, you will learn how to save your family money on the AC bill.

There is a common belief that turning off your air conditioning system when you are gone will save you energy. They are right that it won’t be costing you when it isn’t running. However, it will have to work harder when it starts back up and desperately attempts to bring the house back down to a comfortable temperature. This extra stress may will cancel out the savings to some extent. Unless you are going to be gone for multiple days, save yourself the haste and leave the air conditioning on. On the other hand, if you have a programmable thermostat, it is a different story. With a programmable thermostat, it is recommended that you turn the maximum temperature threshold up by five to eight degrees while you are gone. This will save you money without much added stress.


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