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Advice For Tough Times

The Benefits Of Sending Your Child To Private School

When you have a child, looking into the best day schools is an inevitable part of parenthood. But finding the best day schools for your child can be a difficult process, and many of the best day schools have high standards for enrollment as well as high costs.

But the best day schools have a number of benefits and many families choose to enroll their child in the best day schools or private schools in order to give them the best opportunities possible from the very beginning. In fact, private schools are become more and more popular across the United States with around one quarter of all registered schools a private school. Preprimary programs, often included in the best day schools, are becoming more and more common as well, with nearly ninety percent of all children five and under enrolled in some preprimary programs and just over half of all toddlers and preschoolers enrolled in a full day program.

There are a number of benefits of private school education throughout your child’s entire educational career. From elementary school to high school, a common concern in the public school system is lack of engagement of both students as well as parents. In fact, more than twenty percent of public school teachers are concerned with student engagement and nearly twenty five percent of public school teachers are worried by the lack of parental involvement from many of their students’ parents. However, this becomes less of a problem in a private school setting. In a private school, less than five percent of teachers are concerned about student engagement and involvement as well as parent engagement and involvement.

The benefits of a private school education are even more significant for high school students preparing to go to college. Statistics show that students who attend high school in a private school setting are around ninety five percent likely to go to a four year college or university. In comparison, just under half of all high school seniors who attend public school will attend and graduate from a four year college or university. Standardized test scores also tend to be higher, both for the SAT as well as the ACT. Private schools tend to have a higher average test score than even the national average, meaning that they effectively promote the importance of these standardized tests as well as effectively prepare students for them.

Students and parents alike often benefit in considerable and measurable ways by a private school education. A private school education has been able to help many a student realize their college dreams, as well as increasing the overall levels of engagement for both students of a private school as well as their parents and overall parental involvement. Parental involvement is important for many students in the school system, and parental involvement is more likely to happen on a consistent basis in a school setting.

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