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Three Different Types of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Aba therapist

Autism spectrum disorders commonly abbreviated as ASD refers to a group of brain development disorders. These disorders are symptomized differently by varying levels, “a spectrum,” of skills and symptoms. Such skills and symptoms include verbal and nonverbal communications, problems in social interaction and repetitive behaviors.

This disorder affects people differently, with some people exhibiting mild effects while others are severely affected. During brain development of a child, that’s when autism seems to develop, but it’s until 2 to 3 years of age when the condition emerges. Through specialized treatment from autism centers, a person with autism can improve and be able to function to normalcy.

1. Autistic disorder
This is a common type of Autism Spectrum Disorder and whenever people hear the word autism, this is what comes to their mind. People suffering from this disorder normally exhibits unusual behavior and interests, language delays and communication challenges and often, children with autistic disorders experience seizures and mental retardation.

2.Asperger syndrome
It’s the mildest form of autism with moderate symptoms of autistic disorder. This disorder is associated with unusual behavior and interest and slight social challenges. Asperger syndrome is more prominent in boys than girls, although, in terms of intellect and language, victims seem to be normal. However, children with Asperger’s syndrome are at risk of suffering from anxiety and depression as they enter adulthood.

3.Pervasive development disorder
It’s among the three type of autism spectrum disorders normally abbreviated as PDD-NOS. This condition is also referred to as atypical autism and it’s an intermediate level between people with autistic disorder or Asperger syndrome. Nevertheless, it has milder symptoms as compared to those of autistic disorder and the symptoms might only cause impaired social interactions and fewer repetitive behaviors. Of all the three types of autism spectrum disorders, this one is very cunning and hard to understand. Therapists say that no two children with PDD-NOS exhibit the same symptoms.

Despite the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders, the scientist doesn’t know the main reasons causing it. They say that there several factors contributing to the multiple types of ASD. With environmental, biological and genetic factors coming into play, autism spectrum disorders will continue to be a serious issue to many people. A parent should, therefore, examine clearly their children at that tender age, and get to learn when there are a disconnects and changes on child’s behavior.

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