What’s the Best Way to Meal Plan for Seniors

Senior care can range from in home care for seniors to light housekeeping or hourly care. In many cases that care includes meal planning and meal preparation for seniors. Caring companionship often includes meal planning and helping the senior to get the right nutrition. This video is focused on providing tips about senior nutrition and planning meals for seniors that are healthy and appealing to senior care clients.
About 51% of senior care patients live in their own homes. About 29% live in a family caregivers home. In all cases, it is imperative that senior nutrition is a priority. Learning how to prepare meals that the senior will enjoy and that is healthy for them is essential.
Anyone that provides care for a senior should follow the tips in this video to ensure that the senior is getting the proper nutrition and most importantly enjoying their meals. Taking the time to better understand senior nutrition needs and learning ways to make food more exciting for the senior is one of the best ways to ensure that the senior is getting the best in care.
Watch this video to learn more about preparing meals for seniors.