Why Everyone Should Donate Their Used Clothes

Giving back to the community that you live in as well as the world at large is important, and can be as simple and painless as taking the time to donate clothes to Red Cross or another similar organization. Donations can be anything from clothes you or your children have grown out of to simply household products you no longer have space for (clothes included). To donate clothes to Red Cross organizations or other like places is a simple thing, one that many of us do (around 70% of all people in the United States have donated within the last year), and something that makes a bigger impact than we may realize.
Used clothing donations are a valuable commodity. Though you might think your used clothing is too worn out to be donated, you’d be wrong. In fact, almost 100% of all donated clothes, no matter what the condition, can be re-purposed and reused in some way. These red cross donations and other such donations of goods and clothing items can directly benefit those in need, as well. The American Red Cross has locations that are open twenty four hours, seven days a week. They provide not only clothes and food to the homeless and those without shelter for the night, but also a safe place to sleep as well as blankets and even blood donations. To donate clothes to Red Cross Organizations is a small way to make someone’s stay at a Red Cross location as easy and comfortable as possible.
And the services that the American Red Cross provides are highly necessary. On any given night in the United States alone, over 500,000 people are without shelter and considered homeless. Of that homeless population, almost 20% is considered chronically homeless, meaning that they are without a home or shelter for extended periods of time throughout their lives. These over 80,000 individuals are more in need of shelter and assistance than anyone, and donating your used clothes to an American Red Cross pick up site can make more of a difference than you might think. After all, clothes are an essential – without clothes we could not survive, particularly in climates with severe cold weather. So not only do you help a person in need by donating your used and unwanted clothes – you could actually help to save their life.