Family Issues Online

Advice For Tough Times

Month: August 2018

Does Your Son or Daughter Suck His or Her Thumb?

Parenting is rarely easy, and many times it is down right exhausting. Finding a solution to some of the problems that parents frequently face is not even made easier by the fact that others are battling the same problems. Thumb and finger sucking is one of those problems ….

Here’s Where You Can Find Custom Quilts

Handmade quilts are something to be treasured. They’re an art form unto themselves and have played various roles across history — the most notable being that it was claimed quilts played a hand in a secret code to help slaves along the Underground Railroad. However, their most practical ….

Choosing Between Urgent and Emergency Care

Sometimes it can be hard to determine whether you should go to an urgent care center or an emergency room for treatment. More than one-fourth of patients admit they’ve visited an urgent care at least once in the last two years, and that could probably be because of ….

3 Tips For Buying A Home in Florida

Are you looking for a new home? Does a view of the water or easy access to the beach to you? If so, purchasing a new house in Florida may be something to consider. Florida has a surface area of 65,755 square miles and a total population of ….