Family Issues Online

Advice For Tough Times

Year: 2018

Benefits of Private School

Benefits of Private School The debate on private and public school is still a popular one, with people often comparing the two based on the quality of education and opportunity afforded to the child. Twenty-Five percent of all U.S. schools are private schools. There are approximately 2.63 million ….

The Before and After of Hurricane Season

As we approach the end of the summer, we also approach hurricane season in the Southeast United States. From the end of August to the end of September we see the highest frequency of hurricanes hitting Florida and homeowners need to know how to prepare for them with ….

4 Smart Ways to Decorate a Pergola

Many homeowners are looking for ways to decorate their yards. Considering that, these individuals often choose to purchase pergolas. A pergola is often made of wood but the exact specifications of these structures can vary. One homeowner might want a small pergola while others might prefer something that ….

How to Choose the Best Day School for your Child

One in four schools in the United States are private schools, and of those, there are many educational models. But why send your child to a day school? Is it necessarily better to have kids go to a pre-primary private school, even if it’s not required? What about ….

7 Smart Reasons to Purchase a Shed

One study found that 67% of those surveyed felt that a lot could be said about someone from the furniture they own. If you want others to see your home as a space free from clutter, you might want to purchase a shed. It’s understandable to see these ….

When, Why, and What Mattress to Buy

Most of us don’t think much about our beds much. We might think about the number of hours we lie there, but do we really stop and think about the quality of the sleep we’re getting? As we think about sleep quality, some names might come to mind. ….