Many people talk of the American dream. So many starry-eyed youngsters dream of making it big and rolling in the dough and basking in worldwide fame like their favorite Hollywood starlets, action stars, divas and swoon-worthy celebrities. And look no further than the red carpet to see all ….
Author: Allison Plank
Some people don’t think much about the state of our planet. Some acknowledge that there are issues, but are quick to shrug them off, convinced that there isn’t anything that they can do. Can one individual really actually make a difference anyway? The answer is quite simple. It ….
Given the amount of scientific data supporting global climate change, not to mention how seriously insurance companies take that data, maany individuals with foresight have begun factoring the needs of the environment into their decision making in all areas of their lives, including home purchasing and building. When ….
Do you daydream about running away from the hustle and bustle of every day life? Some people may imagine their perfect life sailing around the world. Others are terrified of open water and would much rather dream about their perfect life on a dry land, such as a ….
The verdict is in: Americans need more sleep. Recent studies show that close to half of all American adults are not getting enough sleep; the culprit could be that tablet or smart phone. Playing games or watching videos before bed could actually be keeping us awake, experts say. ….
The world of dating has changed over the years. In previous years, people were limited to their potential dating matches through people they knew. They met their spouses or significant others at work, religious gatherings or through friends and family. If they didn?t find a suitable date, then ….
With summer on the distant horizon, you may already be considering what kind of parties you will be hosting this year. You don’t want the same ol’, same ol’ that you do every year. A new gas grill might seem like the perfect reason for a party but ….
Everyone’s got an event that needs planning. Baby shower for a friend? Been there! Birthday party for your kids? Come on, that’s old hat! But a common issue facing any person trying to foster wonderful and festive memories is finding affordable, quality supplies and a good theme to ….