Contact GreenDrop for a Red Cross Clothing Pickup

When your children grow out of their clothes and shoes, do you pack them up and put them in storage? What about your own gently-worn clothes and shoes? Extra household items? All those boxes of books?
While you’re probably planning to label each one of those boxes with “Red Cross Donations,” you haven’t had the time to load them all up in your car and take them to a Red Cross donations center. Were you aware that there are Red Cross clothing pickup services available? They can collect your other items as well.
While your motivation for donating may include “giving back to the community” as well as being environmentally conscious, it’s important to know that your choice to do so makes a difference in so many lives.
Your donations to the American Red Cross assist this charitable organization with providing food, blankets, and shelter to families and communities 365 days a year. Furthermore, the Red Cross is also well-known for its blood drives to provide this life-saving gift to infants, children, and adults, many of whom are accident victims or have sustained injuries due to a natural disaster.
Do you know about GreenDrop? They have around 30 locations as well as mobile trailers that collect an average of 100 tons of donations per week. Your tax-deductible donations are then sold to thrift stores so that these charities can continue to make a difference in the community. In 2015, for example, over $2.5 million went to support local and national charitable programs–and all from the sale of these items.
GreenDrop provides this service on behalf of the following charitable organizations:
- Military Order of the Purple Heart
- The National Federation of the Blind
- The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Philadelphia
When you gather and label those boxes to make American Red Cross clothing donations, remember that you can schedule a Red Cross clothing pickup. Yes, you could personally take these boxes to a clothing donation center, but scheduling a pickup can be much more convenient for you.
Consider the fact that you’ll have even more time to go through all your cupboards and closets–and that storage unit–for more items to donate.