Family Issues Online

Advice For Tough Times

Author: Allison Plank

I'm Allison Plank, and this is my blog, Family Issues Online. As a recent divorcee and single mom to my 3-year-old, my life revolves around my daughter. I started this website to help families through their issues. I hope you enjoy the site, learn a few things or maybe teach a few :) Feel free to comment on topics that interest you, and ask some questions of your own!

How Your Unwanted Clothing Can Help a Needy Veteran

Imagine that you or a loved one won the Purple Heart, the US military decoration awarded by the President to those wounded or killed during military service. You return home only to face a new battle: finding work and now you and your family struggle even to put ….

5 Things to Consider When Moving into a New Home

If you are looking for new homes in a particular area you might have the ideal location in mind already and are just looking for your dream house. However, if you’re like most of us, you’re tentatively searching around for a place near your desired school district and ….

Why Donating is Such a Great Thing to Do

Giving donations for non profit organizations is a lot more helpful than we realize sometimes. We may just think of it as getting rid of our old things and purging out homes of stuff we don’t want. However, those things that we don’t want or need could be ….

Choosing the Right Assisted Living Home For Your Adult Parent

It can be a difficult time when your senior parent needs additional care than what you are able to provide for them. You may feel guilt and shame that you cannot completely provide for your parent or parents, but assisted living facilities actually provide seniors with many benefits. ….

Is Your Uncomfortable Bed Keeping You Up at Night?

Who knew that sleep could be such a trendy thing? As everyone from actresses to athletes talk about their secrets and the benefits they get from a good night’s rest, however, sleep really is a topic that is trending on social media sites and online newspapers as well. ….